Now, if you haven't already heard about the Pantone vs Adobe situation let us give you a brief run down now. Really we just want to reassure you why this won't affect your promotional products.
Long story short as an Adobe user if you want to use the Pantone colour match for designing you need to pay a subscription. This drama between the two well know companies isn't a huge surprise as this move has been expected for a while now.
However, the big issue is it doesn't just affect future designs but also past as where you once used a Pantone colour you will now see black. The only way for users to solve this issue is to pay the monthly subscription.
Now, we know a lot of our customers use a Pantone Colour match to achieve the best match for their brand colours when creating their promo products for their campaigns. The suppliers we use to source your products at the time this blog is typed will continue to benefit from the colour matching company's colour palettes.
So nothing to worry about and nothing to do. We can still match your brand colours and wont be charging extra.
We hope you have seen our latest product ranges including Christmas, High End Gifts and Health and Fitness. If you haven't yet you can click the links to find ideas for your promo products for your next campaign. We hope the reassurance nothing has changed when creating your designs is of comfort.
enquire about promo products
If you have any ideas for products in mind that you would like to learn more about, please don't hesitate to ask. We have a wide range of suppliers we source from with hundreds of bespoke brandable products. We will offer eco options where possible.
To inquire about or order any of these products, please contact me today. Ask for a no-obligation visual with your design instruction, we can give you creative input or use one of our templates.
Thank you for reading our blog. We hope you choose eco on your next promo order!