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Gift Trees

Gift Trees

These beautiful trees make great gifts!


They are available in three different packaged options:

  • Hessian bags, branded with a swing tag. including tree types: Norway Spruce, Scots Pine
  • Clear tubes with Norway Spruce, Branding with a label
  • In a tree card with Blue Spruce. Branding with lid on card or swing tag around tree.


Note: Pricing varies depending on type of tree, packaging and quantity, contact me for a quote.


Shipping: Pricing can be provided on enquiry due to variable costs depending on order, time of year and government restrictions Artwork Setup: Upon Enquiry, depending on artwork


Corporate customers please contact us directly for larger order quantities and a detailed quote.  As we are a wholesaler, we may be able to provide wholesale pricing better than shown above. 


Karl Pearsall


Contact us if you need something special or customised that you dont see here.

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